Pawnee City Council Hears Update on Housing and Sales Tax

Pawnee City City Hall

(KLZA)-- Pawnee City recently hosted a luncheon; and during that time, presentations were given focused on community development and housing. 

City Clerk Tammy Stephens updated the City Council members on topics discussed during the June 26th Council meeting. Representatives of the USDA, Southeast Nebraska Development District and Nebraska Investment Finance Authority made presentations.  Housing and workforce housing along with various other programs were reviewed.  

Stephens also reported to the Council no the sales tax receipts for April.  This was the first month the additional half-percent sales tax, approved by Pawnee City voters in 2016 was collected.

The additional tax monies go to pay the bonds on an extensive street overlay project being planned in Pawnee City.  The first month the additional tax brought in approximately $13,200. That amount was just shy of what the projected amount is anticipated to be.  

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