SE Nebraska Affordable Housing receives grant funds

(KLZA)-- The Nebraska Department of Economic Development (DED) announced the recipients of $22,825,000 in awards through the 2022 round of Nebraska- Rural Workforce Housing Fund .Authorized by the Rural Workforce Housing Investment Act of 2017, the RWHF helps communities create quality, affordable housing to accommodate growth.

For the 2022 funding cycle, Rural Workforce Housing Fund awards were available to eligible non-profit development organizations who supplied at least a fifty percent match. In many cases, local financial institutions and employers partnered with the primary applicant in providing the local match. Combined, today- recipients contributed more than $12.1 million in matching funds.

DED administers the RWHF program on behalf of the State of Nebraska through a competitive application process. The department then partners with recipients to provide input regarding project design, development, and implementation.

The Southeast Nebraska Affordable Housing Council which includes Falls City, Nebraska City and Henderson, Nebraska have $800 thousand available in local match funds and has been awarded $1 million in funding.

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