Candidates file for Jackson Heights USD 335 Board

(KNZA)--Two candidates have filed so far for four positions up for election in November on the Jackson Heights USD 335 Board of Education.

The Jackson County Clerk's Office reported Monday that Kallie Kirk has filed for position 2, which was formerly held by the late Melinda Wareham, and Neal Keeler has filed for re-election to position 3.

Also up for election on the USD 335 Board is position 1, currently held by Dr. David Allen, and position 7, the at large position, which is currently held by Konrad Coe.

No candidates have filed so far for four positions up for election on the Holton USD 336 and Royal Valley USD 337 Boards of Educations.

Candidates have until noon, June 1 to file at the Jackson County Clerk's Office.

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