House of Hope outlines expected expenses for housing

(KLZA)-- The Richardson County Commissioners reviewed a letter from the “House of Hope”organization during their May 10 meeting during which the group outlined their estimated expenses for Transitional Housing of Richardson County House of Hope.

House of Hope has requested the monies Richardson County receives from the Opioid Settlement Funds be used for the expenses associated with transition housing.

In the letter, the monthly expenses are projected for one house for approximately 4 - 6 people include: $1200 for rent, $250 for utilities, $1200 for food, $350for incidentals, $100 for insurance for a total of $3,100.

Richardson County is to receive a share of the Opioid Settlement funds received by the State of Nebraska. Currently the fund has about $19 thousand. Several settlements contribute to the fund; One will receive about $20,000 in total through 2031 and another is expected to receive approximately $83 thousand but that total is through the year 2038.

Details on a couple of other settlements have not been finalized at this time.

Commissioners took no action on the request. They continue to have research done on how the settlement funds can be utilized locally.

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