Falls City Administrator's report

(KLZA)--City Administrator Anthony Nussbaum reported to the Falls City Council members last week that four applications for the Sidewalk Improvement Assistance Program the city initiated this spring have been approved.

The approved applications are for sidewalk replacements with additional applications currently under review.

Nussbaum noted the splash pad at Dallas Jones Park has been opened for public use and that the Aquatic Center is scheduled to open Memorial Day Weekend.

Meetings are being held with Blue Rivers Agency on Aging concerning their operation at the Falls City Senior Center. The building is in need of multiple improvements and Blue Rivers noted that utility costs are a burden on them.

Preliminary discussions are being held on options available for moving the program to another facility. For now operations will continue from the Senior Center.

It was noted that Stan Suedmeier, Operator at the Rulo Water Treatment Plant and a 43 -year city employee is planning to retire in mid-July of this year.

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