Annual Pony Express Re-ride set to begin

(KMZA)--The National Pony Express Association will be conducting a re-run of the famed mail service June 7-17.

Commemorative letters and personal mail will be carried by horse and rider relays 1,966 miles from the Sacramento River to the Missouri River.

The first rider will depart from Old Sacramento, California Wednesday, and the last rider will arrive in St. Joseph, Missouri the evening of June 17. The riders will be making several local stops along the way.

The re-ride will cross 8 states. The riders travel 24 hours a day, riding in relays of 1 to 5 miles.

The re-ride honors the Central Overland California and Pikes Peak Express Company, founded by Russell, Majors and Waddell, a Missouri freighting firm. It carried letters and telegrams from April 1860 to November 1861, to prove the Central Route passable year-round to win a federal mail contract.

Since 1980, the group has conducted a re-ride of the mail route each June.

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