***Closings***    Harvesters Distribution at Nemaha Comm. Center cancelled Wednesday also at Sabetha ***
USD 430 Board accepts resignations, approves new hires

(KNZA)--The South Brown County USD 430 Board of Education accepted several resignations and approved several new hirings when they meet Monday evening.

According to the unofficial meeting minutes, the Board accepted the resignations of high school agriculture teacher Jacob Chalfant, 2nd grade teacher Trudy Wischropp, kindergarten teacher Cheryl Soderlund, district treasurer/secretary Erin Taff and custodian Janet “ Sybil” Thorson. The resignations are effective at the end of the current school year.

The Board approved the hirings of Zach Barnum as high school social studies teacher, Reid Greaser as high school athletic director/PE teacher, James “ Beau” Gadwood as elementary PE teacher, Amber Mills as elementary primary teacher and Mike Cline as bus driver.

Following an executive session, the board approved the hiring of Tatum Lockwood as high school Ag teacher and FFA sponsor. In addition, the board approved the hiring of Jill Selland as STUCO sponsor and class-prom sponsor.

Also at the meeting, several retirees were recognized for their service to the district. They included Charla Becker for 26 years, Sherry Wellman for 20 years, JP Smith for 11 years and Cheryl Soderlund for 5 years.

A retirement reception was held prior to the meeting.

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