Wed signing means full funding for KS education

(MSC News)--Kansas Governor Laura Kelly, Wednesday, signed into law legislation fully funding K-12 education in the state.
According to a release from Kelly's office, signing marks the sixth consecutive year of full funding, with the legislation "making the initial investment into fully funding special education."

Kelly, who calls Kansas public schools and students "foundational to ensuring [that the] state has a bright future," adds, in the release, that the outcome of the legislation comes "by collaborating in a bipartisan manner," with Kelly saying that equips all state "students and educators with the resources they need to succeed in the classroom."

In addition to providing full funding, the legislation, the release notes, also expands access to child care, invests in early childhood education and literacy, supports the teacher workforce, and continues commitment to school safety by including $5 million in grants for schools to make physical improvements, purchase equipment, and hire school resource officers to improve school safety and security.

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