Free Lots Available in Hiawatha for New Homes

( KNZA )-Free lots are being offered in Hiawatha for the construction of new homes.

Hiawatha Foundation for Economic Development Director Don Nigus says the organization has a total of eight lots available in the Aztec East, Pleasant View Second Addition in the northern part of the city for the construction of owner occupied housing..( play audio )

Nigus says with the free land program they hope to encourage families to locate within Hiawatha and Brown County...( continue audio )

Nigus says there is an application process for the program.  To obtain a formal application, contact a HFED member/realtor or the HFED office.

Nigus will talk more about  the program and other HFED activities on this week’s edition of More Than Just a Soundbite, which airs Wednesday morning at 6:15 and again in the afternoon at 1:05. 


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