Project Atchison Seeks Community Input

(KAIR)--Project Atchison is asking for your input and help going into the new year.

“We’re looking for the next big thing to do and we want it to be a really good project,” said Project Atchison Vice President Nikki Durkin.

She said they’ve put a call on their Facebook page to ask for ideas for community members.

Most of their time at last Wednesday’s meeting was dedicated to discussion and brainstorming.

“We talked about our fundraisers last year that we would like to keep and enhance,” Durkin said.

Among those fundraisers are Party in the Park and the Mud Run. Another successful project for the group is First Fridays.

Mostly, Durkin said they want community input and ideas for future projects or events.

To get involved with Project Atchison, see their page on Facebook. The group meets the first Wednesday of every month in the basement of the Atchison Elks Lodge.

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