Richardson County Board receives update

Richardson County Courthouse

(KLZA)-- Richardson County Commissioners met with Chris Reece, the Coordinator for the Southeast Nebraska Adult Drug Court and Melanie Stormer, District #1 Chief Probation Officer during their May 10 meeting.

An update was presented on the progress, accomplishments and statistical date of the Southeast Nebraska Adult Drug Court.

Commissioners approved entering into an interlocal agreement regarding funding for the SE Nebraska Adult Drug Court with Pawnee, Johnson, Nemaha and Otoe counties at a cost to Richardson County for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 of $8,369.

Richardson County Sheriff Rick Hardesty reported to the Board on the grant application he is completing for assistance with the purchase of a second drug dog for the county.

K9 Working Dogs International is working with the United States Police Canine Association to submit a grant application and are awaiting approval for the /grant award for Richardson County in an amount of $7,500 from the ALC Reunite grant with Richardson County providing $2,500 toward the purchase of the drug dog.

Highway Superintendent Steve Darveau Jr. informed the Board that the Department will begin working summer hours on June 5 and ending on September 1, working four, 10-hour days a week, those hours being 6 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

Darveau also reported on a road to consider for closing a half-mile of 640 Avenue, between 716 and 717 Road which includes a bridge that has been closed. A resolution to set a public hearing date to receive public input on the possible closure will be considered during the Boards May 17 meeting.

Darveau also reminded Commissioners that a project on Pony Creek Road, approximately 4.75 miles west of Highway 73 on 703 Road is expected to begin in June. The contractor expects to have the project completed in mid-late August before Harvest.

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