Falls City Council clearing the way for Tiny Houses

(KLZA)-- The Falls City Council voted to amend a zoning ordinance that will clear the way for building “tiny houses” in the community Monday night.

City Administrator Anthony Nussbaum said tiny houses could be popping up across Nebraska as a number of communities are looking at doing this. A few people have asked the City about building tiny houses.

With Falls City making a push to raze dilapidated houses in the community, there will be lots available for tiny houses. A number of the lots where houses are being razed are not big enough for a modern full-size home.

Tiny houses could range in size from 70 square feet, up to 800 square feet in size and would be on 6,000 square foot lots.

Ward I Council member Don Ferguson said the proposal helps out on more than one front. It costs the City $8-$10 thousand to acquire a property and tear down the dilapidated houses and the lost is then often sold to an adjoining neighbor for about $500. Having a tiny house on the property could create more tax revenue for the city.

Council member Kaylie Ractliffe said the tiny house idea could also help with Falls City's need for more housing stock.

Administrator Nussbaum reported to the Council Monday night that as of Monday, 41 vacant properties have been registered. Property owners that do not comply with getting the property removed within 180 days of the registration will begin receiving the first round of fees imposed on the property of $250 for residential and $500 for commercial properties.

Based on the number of properties that will be registered by the end of the fiscal year, it is expected the city will impose more than $12 thousand in fees to vacant / abandoned properties. Funds collected will be reinvested into the abatement / demolition program.

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