Engineering firm hired to oversee Nemaha Co road project

Nemaha County Courthouse

(KMZA)--The Nemaha County Commission has hired an engineering firm to oversee an improvement project on the Goff-Oneida Road.

According to the minutes from their May 8 meeting, the Commission accepted the lone bid received from Cook, Flatt and Strobel Engineers at a cost of $27,500.

The Commission last December accepted a bid from Bergkamp Construction, of Wichita, in the amount of $1.3 million to reclaim and put cement in the base of an eight-mile stretch of the road.

County Road and Bridge Supervisor Adam Kuckelman said he was hopeful work would begin this week on the project. The project is expected to take about two months to complete.

In other business, Sabetha resident Steve Lukert met with the Commission to ask the county to stripe the three-mile stretch of Old Highway 75 that leads into Sabetha for safety reasons. He spoke about splitting the cost three ways---between Nemaha County, Brown County and funds raised by himself.

Also Nancy Gafford with the Rural Development Association of Northeast Kansas came before the board to ask commissioners to sign a grant application for the acquisition of cardboard recycling dumpsters. Gafford said the county would be responsible for paying 25 percent of the total $16,000 state grant, if awarded. Commission Chairman Jason Koch signed the grant application.

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