Commission Discusses Cost Of Meals Program


The Doniphan County Commission Tuesday discussed the cost of the meals program.

County Clerk Peggy Franken said the Kitchen Department is supported only by meal revenues from the Elderly Department and Sheriff’s Department.

Currently, the Elderly Department pays $4.50 a meal and the Sheriff’s Department pays $2.50 per inmate meal.

Franken said the actual cost of meals--including food and labor costs- is $5.40 a meal

Kitchen Administrator Judy Allen suggested that with the projected savings of switching food vendors and increasing the sheriff’s meals 50 cents per meal, the Kitchen Department could manage to remain self-sustaining.

Aging Administrator Julie Simmons said the elderly program saw an increase in the cost of meals last November and couldn’t stand another increase.

The commission voted to accept the recommendation of Allen and increase the sheriff’s inmate meals 50 cents per meal, bringing the cost to $3 a meal, effective immediately.

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