Jefferson Co Bridge Project Moves Forward

(KAIR)--Plans for a Jefferson County bridge replacement project are finalized.

That comes following a review of the issue during this week's meeting of the County Commission.

During the session, Public Works Director Bill Noll brought the updated information regarding the project to the board, with the cost, including funding assistance through a grant, outlined during the discussion.

The bridge is located northwest of Oskaloosa, over Slough Creek.

Kansas Department of Transportation grant funds will cover all but 20-percent of the construction cost, with the County to be responsible for paying the remainder of the price tag.

The total project cost, including construction engineering and inspection, along with actual construction, is nearly $722,000.

All cost estimates were provided by the engineering firm of Finny and Turpinseed, based in Topeka.

The Commission, during the meeting, signed the necessary KDOT document to proceed with the bridge replacement, voting unanimously to approve the work.

The project is set to happen in 2018.


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