Special question set for Doniphan Co voters

Doniphan County Courthouse In Troy

(KNZA)---Doniphan County voters will face a special question during the August 6 primary election.

The Doniphan County Commission, at their May 28th meeting, adopted a resolution submitting to voters the proposition of continuing the levying of a one percent countywide retailers' sales tax for an additional five-year period.

Proceeds from the sales tax are used to finance capital improvements to county-owned property, road improvements, help fund updates to the countywide 911 emergency system and fund economic development incentives. Proceeds from the sales tax are divided between the county and cities based on valuation and population.

If approved by voters, the sales tax would renew October 1st, 2025 for another five years.

There is also a separate countywide one percent retailers' sales tax in Doniphan County that's dedicated to funding the ambulance service.

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