KS's Pyle seeks another term for KS Senate

Rural Hiawatha Republican 1st District Kansas Senator Dennis Pyle, June 3, filed to seek another term in the seat he's held since 2004. (Submitted photo)

(MSC News)--Republican State Senator Dennis Pyle has filed for reelection to the Kansas District 1 Senate Seat which he has held since 2004.

The filing was made Monday, according to a release from the rural Hiawatha resident, who says, “After much prayer and with the support of my wife and family, I have decided to once again seek the support of the people of the first district. It has always been a great honor to represent the people of northeast Kansas and our shared values. I am the only candidate with senate experience and a proven conservative record fighting for traditional family values, 2nd amendment, life, limited government, and fiscal conservatism. My record, opposing tax hikes and out of control spending while working for real tax relief for seniors and working families, will continue should the people give me the opportunity to stand for the quality, conservative representation the citizens of District 1 deserve.”

Two other Republicans, current House Representative Dr. John Eplee, of Atchison, and Craig Bowser, of Holton, previously filed to challenge Pyle for the Senate seat.

The deadline to file was Monday at noon.

The Kansas Republican Primary Election will be August 6.

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