USD 113 Board Approves Viability Standards

(KNZA)--The Prairie Hills USD 113 Board of Education has adopted a document establishing standards of financial solvency and viability for the district as a whole as well as individual campuses.

Superintendent Todd Evans that came during the Board’s meeting Monday evening and was the work of the Board’s finance committee.

Evans says although the goal is for each campus to achieve a break-even level of financial performance, the Board indicated as long as the district is operating with receipts equaling expenditures, small campus deficits are acceptable.

He says two formula’s were listed that will be used to examine campus deficits compared to district expenditures and campus deficits compared to the respective campus total expenditures.  Evans says if the campus deficit exceeds the threshold, the Board would examine the situation and develop an action plan at that time.

In other business, Evans says the Board approved the mid-day transportation of preschool students at all district buildings, effective October 31st.  He says that includes pre-school students within the city limits of Axtell and Sabetha that haven’t previously been transported.    


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