Special Needs Leads To Special Support

( photo provided by Brown Co Sheriff's Office)

(KNZA)--Several people came together to help a young Hiawatha girl with cerebral palsy.

Brown County Sheriff John Merchant says it was brought to his attention that 13-year-old Katie Moorhous was in need of a specialized, and costly, car seat.

The unique seats are built specifically for the specialized needs of each individual.

Merchant says Phyllis Larrimore, program coordinator for Children’s Mercy Hospital, provided all the information needed so the proper car seat could be ordered, and drove from Kansas City to Hiawatha Monday in order to properly install the car seat for Katie.    

Several people were on hand at the Sheriff's Office during the installation to show support for the cause.

Merchant says a joint effort with Pastor Rich Lehmkuhl, of the Eternal Hope Worship Center in Hiawatha, and other benevolent entities, allowed for the purchase of the car seat at no cost to Katie's family.

He voices his gratitude to those who assisted with the effort.

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