Auburn Schools Facing Another State-Aid Loss

Kevin Reiman, Superintendent Auburn Public Schools

(KLZA)-- Preliminary figures from the Nebraska Legislature indicate the Auburn School District is going to take another significant hit in state aid.

Superintendent Kevin Reiman noted preliminary figures indicate a loss of $283,000 for the 2017-18 school year. That is on top of the $480,000 loss in state aid for the current school year. 

The assessed valuation of property making up the Auburn School District is not increasing to the point it can keep up with the losses in state aid. In addition, the school district is up against the $1.05 levee lid. 

Reiman says the goal is to make cuts that have minimal effects on education and student activities. 

Reiman said some of the solutions likely to be proposed include increasing the requests for school supplies supplied by parents and instituting a participation fee for athletics and extra-curricular activities.
It would also mean no new vehicles, no new textbooks, no new computers, labs or teachers and only urgent repairs will be made to equipment. 

The base salary for teachers would be froze under the planned cuts in spending.  Salaries for all other employees including administrators and classified staff will also be frozen. There are no plans to rehire a teacher to replace retiring elementary teacher Ronda Reid.

The cuts include moving girls golf from a fall sport to a spring sport combining it with boys to reduce a coaching slot and travel. There will be just one head track coach instead of a girls Coach and a Boys Coach. In addition, instead of leasing two gymnasiums for practice, it will likely be cut to one.

The regular supplies budget will be cut by $11,000 and travel and attendance at professional development workshops will be cut. Various smaller cuts to software and web services will also be cut.

Auburn School District patrons will have a chance to express their thoughts during the March School Board meeting. 

Two items approved Monday night have started the savings.  The Board approved a two-year contract extension for Kevin Reiman freezing his salary for the 2017-18 school year at $121,250. The contract runs through the 2018-19 school year. 

An early retirement program for qualifying teachers was also approved. The teacher must have been with the Auburn District for at least 15 years to qualify.

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