Walnut Township gains new Treasurer

Janet Umphenour/Credit: Exchange Bank

(KAIR)--The Atchison County Commission, on Tuesday, met for their regular weekly session, with the agenda including the appointment of one person to fill the role of Walnut Township Treasurer.

According to County Commission Chair Casey Quinn, during the session, only one letter of interest was received, with Quinn reading aloud that lone letter submitted by Janet Umphenour, a decades long employee, and a current Vice-President, at Atchison-based Exchange Bank and Trust.

Prior to a vote appointing Umphenour to the role of Walnut Township Treasurer, County Commissioner, Dr. Allen Reavis, made the motion for Umphenour's selection, voicing favor towards seeing her fill the role, calling her "an outstanding choice."

Once the Commission's brief discussion ended, they voted unanimously to appoint Umphenour to the unexpired seat, left vacant following the outcome of this month's Walnut Township Treasurer Recall Election, which ended with majority support for the ouster of now former Treasurer Dwayne Boldridge.

The recall was one part of the overall controversy that has, in recent months, surrounded the Township Council, which has incurred a factionalized board of leadership, internal arguments-turned public, and other matters of contention.

Umphenour will fill the seat until it comes up for election. At that time, with the proper paperwork already filed, she will seek election to a full term in November.

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