KSDE general counsel recommends denial of land transfer petition

(KNZA)--The general counsel to the Kansas Department of Education has issued a written report recommending that that the Kansas State Board of Education deny the land transfer petition filed by Nemaha Central USD 115.

That word came in a news release Friday from Prairie Hills USD 113 Superintendent Todd Evans.

In his 13-page report, the release says Scott Gordon cites specific details of Kansas law regarding land transfers as well as the Kansas State Board of Education guidelines as the basis for his recommendation.

“The Kansas State Board of Education guidelines are very clear about land transfers from one district to another. We respectfully urge the State Board of Education to follow their policy with fidelity, respect the democratic process, honor local control, and follow Mr. Gordon's thoughtful recommendation by voting to dismiss this land grab petition,” said Evans.

The Nemaha Central USD 115 Board of Education voted in February to file the petition with the State Board of Education seeking the transfer of land in the former Bern school area from USD 113 to USD 115 after failed mediation efforts between the two sides.

Gordon served as the administrative officer at a four-hour public hearing ing held in March at the Bern Community Center where testimony was provided by representatives of both districts, along with patrons.

He will present his recommendation to the State Board of Education at their June 11th meeting. The Board will also hear oral argument's from attorney's representing board sides. The board will then act on the land transfer petition at their June 12th meeting.

“Mr. Gordon has taken his administrative responsibilities seriously and has been fair by providing avenues of input and hearing concerns from all parties. He clearly understands that a ruling to reward a unilateral land transfer petition, without a significant change of circumstances, would create chaos for school districts statewide and disempower local boards of education. I am hopeful that the State Board of Education reviews his recommendation and approves it. We are all eager to get back to our primary mission of educating students.” said Evans.

USD 115 did not have an immedidate response to Gordon's recommendation.

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  Carley  (06/02/2024 2:58 PM)

   Mr Gordon came up with the correct conclusions