Warning siren project delayed in Falls City

(KLZA)-- Richardson County Emergency Management Director Brian Kirkendall met with the County Commissioners last week to review the expenses for the purchase of a warning siren for the area of 19th and Lane Streets in Falls City.

Installation of the siren has been delayed due to availability of the equipment. The project will be placed within next years budget request.

Kirkendall also reported the Emergency Command Trailer is ready for operation if needed.

Sheriff Rick Hardesty reported there were 17 inmates housed at the Richardson County Law Enforcement Center. Three of those are being held for other counties. The Sheriff also reported deputies have been working overtime which will be paid for through grant funding from the Nebraska Department of Transportation.

Commissioner John Caverzagie reported he would be meeting with representatives of Skyline Construction in regards to the completion of the Courthouse roof project including installation of a material on the cap and the painting of items on the penthouse area and the fire escape.

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