Falls City School District to look at early education

(KLZA)-- A new law in Nebraska goes into effect July 19 that would allow children to remain in public pre-school until the mandatory kindergarten entrance age.

As a result, eligible five-year-olds could be accessing public pre-kindergarten, which Falls City School Superintendent Tim Heckenlively explained during Monday nights school board meeting, could result in additional need and therefore, additional costs.

Currently the District 56 Parent-Child Center is near full capacity with just one slot remaining for two days per week.

The Falls City School District will be researching the provision of 5-year-olds in preschool during the 2024-25 school year. The district will need to consider capacity space, full-day childcare needs, age grouping of 5-year-olds, preschool fees and financial considerations for increased staffing.

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