Honor earned by Atchison Co's Quinn

Atchison Co 3rd District Commissioner Casey Quinn was honored, in June, 2024, selected to represent county government in Washington DC/Credit: Facebook

(KAIR)--Atchison County Commissioner Casey Quinn, earlier this month, gained the honor of being named, what a release calls, "one of a select group of 17 leaders in county government from across the country to participate in the 19th Annual County Leadership Institute" held in Washington DC June 9 through 12.

The release explains that the program, which it calls "rigorous," was "developed by the National Association of Counties and Cambridge Leadership Associates," and is "designed to help county leaders further develop their approaches toward solving complex challenges."

Quinn, who represents Atchison County's 3rd District said, in a release, that receiving the nomination and opportunity to represent Kansas in the nation's capital "came "with an array of emotions from being incredibly grateful to having both fear and excitement of the unknown."
Quinn calls the level of intensity "something [she] had not experienced before," saying "it brought together strong and passionate leaders from all over the country willing to push [themselves] outside of [personal] comfort zones each day," with Quinn saying she "walked away with new perspectives and skills to be a better leader" for her constituents.

According to the release from the National Association of Counties, the program "provides tools to encourage innovation and creativity; resources for invigorating organizational culture; and best practices in effective communication, collaboration and decision-making.”

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