Falls City Council tables action on MOU for second time

(KLZA)-- For the second consecutive meeting the Falls City Council tabled action on a Memorandum of Understanding with Richardson County for the transfer of 911 calls to a secondary Public Safety Answering Point at the Richardson County Sheriff's Office when they met Monday night.

No one from the County was in attendance and it was not known if the County had approved changes in the agreement requested by the City.

In other business the Council approved renewal of the employee health insurance plan with MEDICA. The new policy will include an 8.3% cost increase to the city with the monthly premium increasing to $50,590 per month, an increase of nearly $3,900 monthly.

Dan Duren with Benefit Management who helps evaluate the health insurance proposals said the City Health Insurance Committee recommended staying with MEDICA. Duren said the cost of healthcare continues to rise.

Some proposals for coverage included cost increases of as much as 51 percent.

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