KBI arrests Wetmore man for child sex crimes

Robert Motto, Jr./Credit: Nemaha Co Sheriff's Office

(KMZA)--The Kansas Bureau of Investigation has arrested a Wetmore man for multiple child sex crimes.

According to a release, KBI agents arrested 51-year-old Robert Motto Jr. Tuesday on a warrant for four counts of aggravated indecent liberties with a child, rape, and two counts of aggravated criminal sodomy.

In early April, the Nemaha County Sheriff's Office began investigating the case after a child disclosed sexual abuse. Soon after, the Sheriff's Office requested KBI assistance investigating the incident. During the investigation, additional allegations of sex crimes were discovered.

Following his arrest, Motto was booked into the Nemaha County Jail. Bond was set at $500,000.

Anyone with information related to the investigation is asked to call the KBI at 1-800-KS-CRIME.

The Nemaha County Attorney is expected to prosecute the case.

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