Auburn Mayor Presents Budget Proposal to Council

(KLZA)-- Auburn Mayor Scott Kudrna outlined a budget proposal for the upcoming fiscal year for the City Council Monday night.  Airport projects, street projects, hopefully new fire trucks and paying off debt are all part of the proposal. The public hearing on the budget proposal will be held in September. 

Mayor Kudrna says it will take $1.15-million for operating costs including law enforcement, fire, city hall, streets, library and such.  The Auburn assessed valuation increased one percent which will bring in an additional $6,000 in property tax revenue. 

Kudrna says one thing that will help the new budget, is carryover from the current city budget. Over $550,000 will be carried over due to projects and being under budget on various items. 

If the Council agrees with the budget proposal, Auburn residents will not see an increase in the levy for the new budget. 

The Mayor said paying off a large amount of debt at the start of the current fiscal year put the squeeze on early in the year but had good results.  He has proposed pre-paying $375,000 of debt in the next fiscal year which is projected to free up approximately $83,000 annually for the next several years. 


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