Atchison City Commission Learns Downtown Traffic Lights Unnecessary

The future of traffic signals along the intersections of 4th through 6th and Kansas Avenue and 4th and Main in Atchison are up in the air.

Atchison City Commissioners last (Monday) night learned the results of the 2009 Traffic Engineering Assistance Program.

The results of the study show those lights meet zero of the eight traffic warrants to make it necessary to have a signal.

Only one is required to be satisfied.

The study also looked at road conditions, as well as traffic volumes.

In conclusion, the study recommended removing all signals.

Public Works Director Gary Heer gave possible options to commissioners to keep things as they are with a 56 hundred dollar annual maintenance, install a four way stop, or replace them entirely.

No action was taken and Commissioners recommended giving time and possibly holding a public meeting for feedback on the issue.

In other action, commissioner unanimously approved the 2012 legislative policy agena.

City Manager Trey Cocking describes what legislation is in store.

Cocking Legislative RT: :31 OC: "…the community."

The policy will also look at the CAPERS system, as well as mirror the Kansas Municipal League policy with the exception of red light camera goal.

Commissioners also unanimously approved the liability policy for tree trimmers, increasing their liability from 10 to 100 thousand dollars.

Citizens will also see a 98 cent a month water and a dollar eight wastewater increase in their bills, which is a three and five percent increase, respectively.

This is better than initial estimates when the adjustment was made in 2009 as it was anticipated for water to see an eight percent increase.

Citizens are expected, incident pending, on seeing a two to five percent annual increase for a few years to come.

Commissioners also unanimously approved the expenditure to replace a 19 thousand 80 dollar raw water intake screen.

The screen was not replaced with the rest of the pump in March 2010.

Commissioners suggested flooding caused the problem and asked to inquire about a FEMA reimbursement.

The Commission will have their next meeting on Tuesday, January 17th due to the Martin Luther King Junior holiday.

The Atchison Planning commission will not have a regular monthly meeting due to a lack of business.

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