New Atchison County Commissioner Takes Oath, Employees Complain About Wages

Atchison County Second District Commissioner Mike Bodenhausen takes his oath prior to his first County Commission meeting Wednesday.

Bodenhausen’s first meeting was a busy one, as many county employees, led by County Treasurer Sheila Bilderback, met with Commissioners for 40 minutes to voice concerns about certain employee pay wage increases.

Bilderback wondered why certain individuals within the Appraiser’s department, community corrections and Sheriff’s office step increases occurred in the past after her department was told raises wouldn’t happen for her employees.

Bilderback RT: :38 OC: "…on that."

Bilderback said this sentiment doesn’t just occur in her office, but other county offices as well.

County Commissioner Jeff Schuele spoke for the commission and responded on why the raise was given to part-time IT manager Wes Lanter.

Schuele Raise RT: :32 OC: "…more competitive."

Commissioners further stated since the Treasurer’s office is and elected position, those department heads can give raises as necessary within their budget, risking the fact they could go over their budget and answer to the taxpayers.

Commissioners also asked County Counselor Pat Henderson to inquire about a pay study with Kansas Association of Commissioners to see if employee wages are on par with other counties.


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